Friday, March 20, 2020

Death Unto Life essays

Death Unto Life essays Death Unto Life Is the mind capable of producing a pure thought? I think not. We live in a world influenced by power, prejudice, and greed among other things. It is a world where people inheritably accept the values and morals of their society. As a product of our environment we cannot help to be overcome by the fears, wants, and desires that flow through our world so readily. It is these very things which make us incapable of pure thought. Our thoughts are and always will remain impure as long as our body produces these opinions; the very poison that contaminates our thoughts. In Phaedo, a fictionalized account of Socratese, Plato speaks of the separation of the soul and body. He speaks of pure knowledge and reasoning without the use of the senses, a facet we find so necessary in almost any earthly task. Then he will do this most perfectly who approaches the object with thought alone, without associating any sight with his thought, or dragging in any sense perception with his reasoning, but who, using pure thought alone, tries to track down each reality pure and by itself, freeing himself as far as possible from eyes and ears, and in a word, from the whole body, because the body confuses the soul when it is associated with it. Will not that man reach such a reality? (Phaedo, 66e). The world as we know it will never theoretically be the world, as we know it, that is, until our body and soul are separated. What our body perceives and what our soul perceives are two separate entities. One goes through life with the precognition that they understand their surroundings. That when we view a beautiful painting we fully understand the essence of beauty and the aspects, which attribute to that painting being beautiful. A beautiful summer day may seem beautiful because it is comparable to that of other summer days. But what truly makes it beautiful? Perhaps it is really ugly ...

Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Residency Requirements For Congress - Weird Details

Residency Requirements For Congress - Weird Details The residency requirements for Congress contain one of the most unusual quirks in American politics. And that is: You dont even have to live in a congressional district to be elected to serve in that House of Representatives seat. In fact, nearly two dozen members in the 435-member  House live outside of their congressional districts, according to published reports. How can that be? Is it a flaw in the residency requirements for Congress spelled out in the U.S. Constitution? Shouldnt representatives elected to a House seat actually live in the same district with the people who elected them, just like elected members of your local, state and federal government offices are required to live in the municipalities they represent? What the Constitution Says If you want to run for the House of Representatives, you must be at least 25 years old, a citizen of the United States for at least seven years and be an Inhabitant of that State in which he shall be chosen,† according to the  Article I, Section 2 of the U.S. Constitution.   And thats it. Theres nothing in there that requires a member of the House to live within his districts boundaries. Notably Few Hurdles The Constitution placed notably few hurdles between ordinary citizens and becoming a member of the U.S. House of Representatives. The founders wanted the House to be the legislative chamber closest to the people - the least restrictive on age, citizenship, and the only federal office at the time subject to frequent popular election, states the House Office of History, Art Archives. Members of the House are elected every two years, and generally, their re-election rate is very high. The Speaker of the House Doesnt Have to Be a Member Oddly enough, the Constitution doesnt even require the highest-ranking officer of the House  - the speaker  - to be a member. When Speaker John Boehner stepped down the from the post in 2015, several pundits made the case that the House should bring in an outsider, even a dynamic (some would say  bombastic) voice such as Donald Trump or former Speaker Newt Gingrich, to lead the disparate factions of the Republican Party.   Open to Merit of Every Description James Madison, writing in the Federalist Papers, stated: â€Å"Under these reasonable limitations, the door of this part of the federal government is open to merit of every description, whether native or adoptive, whether young or old, and without regard to poverty or wealth, or to any particular profession of religious faith.† Residency Requirements for Serving in the U.S. Senate The rules for serving in the U.S. Senate are a bit tighter in that they require members to live in the state they represent. U.S. senators are not elected by districts, though, and represent their entire state. Every state elects two people to serve in the Senate. The Constitution also requires members of the Senate to be at least 30 years old and a citizen of the United States for at least nine years. Legal Challenges and State Laws The U.S. Constitution does not address residency requirements for local elected officials or members of state legislatures. It leaves the matter up to the states themselves; most require elected municipal and legislative officials to live in the districts where they were elected. States cannot, however, enact laws requiring members of Congress to live in the districts they represent because state law cannot supersede the Constitution. In 1995,  for example, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that qualifications clauses were intended to preclude the states from exercising any [power over Congressional requirements] and, as a result, the Constitution fix[es] as exclusive the qualifications in the Constitution. At that time, 23 states had established term limits for their members of Congress; the Supreme Court decision made them null and void. Subsequently, federal courts struck down residency requirements in California  and Colorado. [This article was updated in September 2017 by Tom Murse.]